I've been reading a few web novels recently. The material starts off very good—those are the ones I start reading anyway—but midway for some reason I've mostly run into the problem that they've changed the tone hundreds of chapters in… usually to go on a creepy note, usually where they, over a prolonged period of time, tease a particular long-term appearance woman/women are going to be degraded with no possibility of resisting (for some reason) and can only be helped but help is just out of the way. I wonder why that specifically but… doesn't matter, it is creepy. And the parts before were good wholesome stuff of gaining strength, and of affection… and where the women are strong. Able to handle themselves. The method for said creepiness has always been, again for some reason commonly among my read ones, remarkably intelligent novels with very learned scenarios then having the protagonists start doing stupid things just because, and these things happening, usually to the end of some 'I wasn't able to prevent this' while everything is ignored to give weaklings an opportunity to somehow do weak sh…stuff. This is the background from which, tiredly, I started reading a pornhwa comic which was surprisingly decent for some chapters till I noticed the tone change again, and this time it took the prize with its sustained creepiness in a short burst that continued forward immediately (the next page) after backtracking the creepiness they were teasing over 4 whole chapters.