US Bill proposed to jail people who download Deepseek
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Wow, bold choice to ban the import of technology and knowledge. Usually governments are worried about export, so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
Btw, how is the Nvidia stock price doing?
Right? Like, seriously, we all know somebody is just butthurt because their stock options tanked.
Oh, wait, I'm sorry! That was very unpatriotic of me, wasn't it? I mean, we all know that winning an election guarantees being heavily rewarded with insider trading, right? It's not like they're there to represent constituents or anything; I mean, doesn't everyone know we're a republic, not a democracy?!
To be fair, this is common practice. Countries do this all the time to protect their economies. Mostly known in the West is China which banned many US services.
Of course, security of the data of the citizens is also a factor. You don’t want foreign countries use this data to interfere in any way.
Honestly, I don't think this is common practice in non-oppressive countries. I mean sure, this happens in North Korea, Iran, China... But I'm relatively free to consume what I want with a few minor exceptions. For example we don't import food that isn't food-safe by our standards. Regardless if it's common practice to eat it in other places. Also food may not be able to enter the country due to laws on animal cruelty. Similar things apply to electronic devices that aren't up to code. And some select few things are banned altogether and you can't have them and neither can someone import them. Other than that, regulations aren't super strict. I can use all American social media platforms despite them stealing my personal data and violating European privacy laws regularly, can use Russian or Chinese websites... I think I live in a free country.
Helping domestic economy is done with tariffs / import tax. And not by banning things and putting people in jail.
And mind that this isn't about the service that collects your data and gives it to the Chinese government. This is about downloading the model file and using it all by yourself. So no data gets transferred to a foreign country. And it's not because people could get harmed or anything. This is just because the vice president doesn't want it personally. Like in some dictatorship. Otherwise they would have banned transferring data into foreign countries, if that's what it's about. But they didn't do that, because it's not about protecting the people.
Or did I miss something and there are other examples for limitations on import?
No, I think you did not miss anything 😇
Good summary
Fascist regime and power/police abuse has started.
P.S.: It seems like the US is becoming similar to Russia, kleptocratic country and organised crime in government.
to be fair for black Americans that is a centuries old tune
Oh, you're right
Most minorities — it’s the middle - upper class straight able bodied white people who are oblivious to it all.
Don’t worry, their already bad situation will get worse too.
Every step unchallenged is an invitation to do more.
It runs *offline*... using open-source software that provably does not collect or transmit any data...
It is low-cost and out-competes American technology, though, true
Oh yeah, *thats* what did it, *totally*
You don't fuck with the big man money tbh... That's like rule 1 of the game.
This is astounding.
I mean, not the Deepseek or jailing stuff. I mean a Senator actually proposing a law. I thought the way our government worked was, the annoying orange declares a vague uncited threat to be bad, and signs an executive order on it!
No, we also allow mega corporations to submit bills that get rubber stamped by a rep somewhere. I don't think a corporation would be so audacious as to submit this, so it's a rare case of original content.
I'm gonna download it even harder.
See you hell evildoer!
That's awesome! I didn't know you could download an LLM and run it locally! That's what I'm really interested in is something that's on my side and not a conduit to Google, MS or other.
I'm so glad Hawley proposed this bill or I wouldn't have known that deepseek was open source and downloadable! I'll have to go look for a download.
AFAICT it’s not open source, just open weights.
How to download/run a uncensored LLM locally:
Ollama makes it pretty easy, and there are other runners as well. Good luck!
now i gotta download something i don't even wan a download.
Yup. Downloaded 7b, 32b, and 70b varieties this afternoon. Entirely out of spite.
Since those smaller models are technically fine-tunes of Meta/Facebook's LLAMA, using Deepseek's outputs, I wonder if they would be covered by the bill at all.
7b and 32b are Qwen2 🙃
I literally just did the same
Download the model and run locally is the most secure and privacy friendly way to use it.
It's absurd how little they know about what they are doing.
I doubt they understand local vs server distinction.
"Server is when we ask Amazon to build a backdoor, local is when we ask Microsoft"
And that's exactly why they want to stop it
Nah, Congress (esp the Senate) is a bunch of old people yelling at clouds, and sometimes they yell the same thing. Don't give them too much credit.
Ya but their donors tell them which words to yell and when to say aye or nay
It's easy to run a distilled version of the R1 model locally. It's very difficult to run the full version. Min $6k to get 7 tokens per second.
Here's one for 2k if you don't mine jank (edit: and 3-4 tokens :) )
I hear its easy, but I've had no luck at all on the most distilled models (for prelim testing), and am wondering how things have broken so badly.
I wasn't thinking of downloading an AI onto my low tier computer until now.
I've got a laptop kicking around from 2010 that's about to get deepseek just because they're proposing this dumb ass shit. I don't even use Gen AI.
Finally affordable housing!
same lmao
They never learn.
Land of the free
Land of the free only refers to owning guns.
I wasn't gonna, but now I gotta...
You laugh, but stay safe
For Base Model
git lfs install
git clone
For Chat Model
git lfs install
git clone
this is deepseek-v3. deepseek-r1 is the model that got all the media hype:
Yea, comment OP needs to edit links with howany up votes that got.
Can you elaborate on the differences?
Base models are general purpose language models, mainly useful for AI researchers and people who want to build on top of them.
Instruct or chat models are chatbots. They are made by fine-tuning base models.
The V3 models linked by OP are Deepseek's non-reasoning models, similar to Claude or ChatGPT4o. These are the "normal" chatbots that reply with whatever comes to their mind. Deepseek also has a reasoning model, R1. Such models take time to "think" before supplying their final answer; they tend to give better performance for stuff like math problems, at the cost of being slower to get the answer.
It should be mentioned that you probably won't be able to run these models yourself unless you have a data center style rig with 4-5 GPUs. The Deepseek V3 and R1 models are chonky beasts. There are smaller "distilled" forms of R1 that are possible to run locally, though.
I heard people saying they could run the r1 32B model on moderate gaming hardware albeit slowly
32b is still distilled. The full one is 671b.
I know, but the fall off in performance isn't supposed to be severe
My legion slim 5 14" can run it not too bad.
I was assuming one was pre-trained and one wasn't but don't think that's correct and don't care enough to investigate further.
Is that website legit?
I've only ever seen
And I would personally recommend downloading from HuggingFace or Ollama
r1 is lightweight and optimized for local environments on a home PC. It's supposed to be pretty good at programming and logic and kinda awkward at conversation.
v3 is powerful and meant to run on cloud servers. It's supposed to make for some pretty convincing conversations.
R1 isn’t really runnable with a home rig. You might be able to run a distilled version of the model though!
Tell that to my home rig currently running the 671b model...
That likely is one of the distilled versions I’m talking about. R1 is 720 GB, and wouldn’t even fit into memory on a normal computer. Heck, even the 1.58-bit quant is 131GB, which is outside the range of a normal desktop PC.
But I’m sure you know what version you’re running better than I do, so I’m not going to bother guessing.
You're absolutely right, I wasn't trying to get that in-depth, which is why I said "lightweight and optimized," instead of "when using a distilled version" because that raises more questions than it answers. But I probably overgeneralized by making it a blanket statement like that.
God, I hate Hawley. He’s an embarrassment to my state.
He doesn’t even live in Missouri.
People like this should not be a government representative. But I guess that's the trend lately
So I guess it's free speech as long as you agree with the goverment's speech. If not, then it's a crime.
Elon Musk was just posting a factory of prisoners all working for cents on the dollar saying that America needs more of that.
free speech is when racial slurs obviously
Always have been, and this is a bipartisan value, heck, it's common to all political parties of the world.
Yeah that's called being a sovereign... They will respect each other doing since it is a club in a oligarchy or "democracy" but little people need watch that mother fucking mouth, or daddy gonna issue some backhand
next up:
US Bill proposed to jail people who watch MSNBC
US Bill proposed to jail people who watch PBS
US Bill proposed to jail people who don't buy a cybertruck
US Bill proposed to jail people who don't vote GOP
So much freedom, so little time.
Do you think those channels are left? LoL
They don't need to be to be vilified.
Because China "leveraged" US technology 20 years ago, US politicians bring it up as a current shittalking point still. Deepseek, being open source, is opportunity for Americans to gain technology transfer from China, without "stealing".
There is a desperation to protect US AI, mostly so that AI companies are indebted into serving the empire, and maybe the GOP,
Something AI is extremely capable today is deciding who to ban on reddit, or at the individual voter level, decide who should be turned away from elections. Recent US election had record voter suppression and forced provisional ballots that were never counted. Previously, black was a sufficient suppression incentive. AI makes it easy to target individuals or other factors. Musk, being praised for understanding "election machines", now with access to SS numbers and an ability to link to voters or views on Israel/genocide, is a super power that ensures being king maker in perpetuity.
Was this Google translated from Chinese? That was chunky to read.
You wouldn't download a car and then perform all the necessary lost wax casting, pressing, punching, machining, painting etc etc. Would you?
You would download a finished car!
It's only a proposed bill (thankfully), but definitely one to keep an eye on.
Eh, it's just virtue signaling nonsense. It's not going anywhere.
that's what they said about *vaguely gestures at everything*
That's what everyone thought about Trump becoming president... Both times.
At this point someone could say Hitler is coming back from the dead riding a dinosaur, and my reaction would be "Yeah, sure. That may as well happen. Nothing has made sense the last 10 years. That's just as plausible as anything else we've seen."
Prolly part of the psyop tbh... We walked blind into this but puppet master knew what's up and engineered it.
Sooner or later we're gonna have to bypass the Great Firewall of America by VPNing into China
ways to self-sabotage (100% speedrun)
You overestimate the strength of the cognitive dissonance. These people have somehow found a way to overcome the concept of hypocrisy and the consequences for it. They’re impervious to shame and repercussions.
This is them gathering their strength. The more we care about facts and honesty, the more they win. This is kind of the endgame
I'll download it twice
I’m downloading it right now.
That's a lifetime bro 😀
Its open source lol. Why don't the tech billionaires innovate? Instead they just ban competitors
turns out all that shit about open markets, free trade, competition was just while they had no competition to exploit it after WW2 left Europe and Asia devastated, now that China (with their own protectionism) is doing it better than the US...back to protectionism and fascism.
More protectionist bullshit that won't help anyone.
Except openai and all their investors
The desperation... It reeks
Well I guess that means its time to download it even though I don't know what I'll do with it.
Saw this coming as soon as Microsoft immediately wanted to investigate.
Deepseek is going to be a Chinese military complex on the books shortly.
Lol rich coming from a class of people who can’t even open up a fucking pdf in their email
Pretty sure that requires open-ai to be jailed
You need to think in Republican. Corporations are people up to the moment they commit a crime, at which point they are not people.
not back-dated so download away fellas (not sure if a law can apply on acts before it was a law)
Ex post facto laws are expressly prohibited in Article I, so they can't pass a law criminalizing downloads from before the law was passed.
They can, however, criminalize possessing a copy of DeepSeek. In that case you'd be *legally* required to delete it after the law passed.
Not sure about the laws wording, but if it is open source just create a branch with a different name.
I have seekdeep, nothing at all like DeepSeek
They also can't amend the constitution via executive order or deport US citizens, but watch them try it anyway
"they can't do that, that's illegal!"
Shame the law doesn't mean Jack Fucking Shit now.
The law is whatever they want it to be at any moment.
That order lasted about 10 minutes before a judge appointed by Ronald Fucking Reagan.
In principle: no. But Americans no longer have any principles (or never did in the first place)
Yes the ban on TikTok is working! We're getting more and more freer!!! The kids will be saved!!!! \s \s \s
"Victory for free speech (as long as it means only we get to talk")! /s
I think the average IQ of republicans must be 20.
No, that's collective IQ
Your tax dollars at work!
Print the code in a book and mail it.
Surely, they cannot ban books... right? Right?
Edit: Wait wait wait... the Comstock Act says mail cannot be used for anything that can be used for abortion. And a AI can theoretically be used to get instructions for abortion. BOOM, it's banned! 👀
These people will keep pushing and pushing. They know this is ridiculous, but if they flood the public with this bullshit, eventually the overton window shifts and people get brainwashed into thinking cult shit like this is good.
Good to see some socialist policy's making their way to the US..
Oh wait...
The USA is in panic mode, they thought they could undermine China's development just like they did with ball-sucking Europe, now there is a need for other nation to come up with their own models, and show the US they should stop underpinning monopolies.
Senator Josh Hawley was in his office, fumbling with a collection of outdated gadgets. His desk was cluttered with a clunky flip-phone, a ancient computer tower, and stacks of CDs labeled “Software for Dummies.” He had just been reading about this newfangled AI technology that everyone was buzzing about—though he wasn’t entirely sure what an AI was.
The phone rang, jolting him out of his thoughts. He fumbled with the flip-phone, trying to press the correct buttons to answer. When he finally managed to say “Hello,” his voice dripped with confusion.
“Senator Hawley, this is Greg from OpenAI. I wanted to discuss your proposed legislation about AI downloads,” the voice on the other end said.
Hawley leaned back in his chair, trying to look wise. “Legislation? Oh, right, that’s what they call laws these days. Something about jailing people who download stuff from China.”
Greg sighed. “It’s not just about downloading, Senator. It’s about AI models—complex software that can learn and adapt, like DeepSeek.”
Hawley’s brow furrowed. He hadn’t heard of DeepSeek before. “DeepSeek? That sounds communist to me. Probably tracking your thoughts or something.”
Greg tried to explain how AI works, but Hawley kept interrupting with questions about old technologies he thought were relevant. “So if someone downloads this AI, it’s like a CD-ROM, right? You just stick it in and hope it works?”
Greg pressed on, trying to translate the concept of cloud computing into terms Hawley might understand. “It’s more like... a virtual flip-phone that you can talk to without actually holding it.”
Hawley looked down at his desk, where his actual flip-phone was sitting. “I’m not sure I follow. Why would downloading this AI be bad?”
“Because DeepSeek is state-sponsored and could be used maliciously,” Greg said. “It’s like giving someone a modem to the Chinese government.”
Hawley brightened up. “Oh! Like that time I tried to use a dial-up connection? That was dangerous, wasn’t it? You didn’t know who was listening!”
Greg couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not sure you’re understanding this correctly, Senator. This isn’t about phone calls or CDs—it’s about advanced algorithms that could change everything.”
Hawley stood up, clutching his flip-phone like it was a weapon. “Advanced? Sounds like the kind of thing that could be used to spy on people or start wars! Just like those CDs I tried to use once—they had some kind of communist software.”
Greg hesitated but decided to play along. “So you’re saying if someone downloads DeepSeek, they might be helping a foreign power? That’s why you want to jail them?”
Hawley nodded vigorously. “Exactly! It’s like having a modem without the filter. I propose jailing these people to protect our freedoms.”
Greg exchanged a glance with his colleague, who was now staring at him in disbelief. Finally, he said, “ Senator, this isn’t how technology works. If you jail people for downloading AI models, you’re not protecting innovation—you’re stifling it.”
Hawley squinted at Greg as if he were staring into the sun. “Stifle? I’m trying to stop something dangerous. You think I don’t know about this communist tech? I’ve seen it on the internet—full of viruses and stuff.”
Greg took a deep breath, realizing there was no way to reason with Hawley in this state. “Well, if that’s your stance, just remember: you’re not alone. There are people out there who think AI is a threat.”
Hawley smirked. “Good. People like me keep them in check.”
The call finally ended, and Greg sat back in his chair, shaking his head. “Senator Hawley is running for re-election,” he muttered to himself. “And if this bill passes, it’s going to be a nightmare.”
As for Senator Hawley, he was already back at his desk, scribbling notes about how to protect the country from “AI invasions.” He had no idea what he was up against—but one thing was certain: he was ready to fight.
Made the switch to DeepSeek fo’ life.
Wasn't that interested before but it does give it a certain allure now to be sure.
Shouldn't Google and Apple go to jail for distribution?
Neither Tim Apple nor Ted Google would make it a day in jail.
Tim is gay (fr), so I'd say he'd have an (comparatively) easier time than a straight man.
What a horrible thing to say
You wouldn't download a LLM
Nope. I certainly wouldn’t.
rip Pat Gelsinger
Cool, see y'all in jail.
I call top bunk
Sounds like they haven't got better things to do if they're drafting these kinds of bills
They don't.
I'd get LM studio or Ollama, and download R1 your system can handle quick.
If you're on Linux, Alpaca is on Flathub, you can get it and it'll download models and run them for you, including Deepseek R1.
Come and get me.
And they wonder why China is eating the US's lunch on the world stage in terms of influence and technology.
I'm not sure they realize.
Are you tired of winning yet?
I don't think he understands how open source works...
Hehe...that shit makes me laugh