IN A GEOGRAPHICAL VIEW ( Not cultural or political) - the greeks divided the continents in 4 - To it’s west what would become western europe, to the east what would become northern central eurasia, to the north what would become eastern europe ( A SUBREGION OF NORTHERN CENTRAL EURASIA), and to it’s south (south of the 37th parallel) what would become southern eurasia/africa/malay archipelago-oceania In simple terms going by the greek’s logic of dividing continents - Lands of the southern half of the world below the 36th parallel cannot border the western and eastern eurasia, but only central eurasia can. you might be wondering what determines a region geographically “west” or “east”, and what determines it is simply if it is north of the 37th parallel, and if the region directly accesses the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea - HORIZONTALLY PARALLEL TO ANGLO AMERICA AND BRITANNIA. Very clear examples are The ainuic lands of hokkaido & southern Sakhalin and the kurils, France, the russian Kamchatka peninsula, Norway, etc. The lands that are at the edges of the atlanticist realms and unable to access these seas are Sweden, Italy, and Korea - weirdly enough these are all peninsular nations. WHY the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea? - because of the geography in which globalization and industrialization spread. It began in Britain and Anglo America in the 1760s. Globalization came in two stages if we analyze causal human history- from 1492 to 1760 with the rise of merchants and mercantilism overthrowing the feudal structure and kickstarting the age of exploration - and then industrialization in 1760 - 1945. Also, The nations that also directly accesses the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea - HORIZONTALLY PARALLEL TO ANGLO AMERICA AND BRITANNIA, have the utmost freedom of navigation , you can deduce this by looking at a map of EEZ’S On the british side in the pacific in the north sea - industrialization spread to denmark, then to sweden in the early 19th century, as well as the lowlands, and germany. On the anglo american side in the northern pacific - two industrialized powers emerged in the 1860s - meiji japan and russian empire On the northern atlantic - rather from anglo america, industrialization spread south from brittania to france, iberia, and then to italy in the 19th century.